Static Resources App - Load Dependent Files

In this tutorial we will be using load.cmp resource loader component to load CSS and JavaScript. We can use any other script loaders like requireJS as long as it is wrapped in a component.

Static Resources

Only way to load external scripts into Aura app is by first uploading them to Static Resources.

Static Resource Paths

  1. If the resource is not in a Zip file, you can access it by going to <yourOrg>/resource/yourfile (Note: there is no JS or CSS extension).
  2. If the resource is inside a Zip file, you can access it by going to <yourOrg>/resource/zipfileName/path/to/file.js (note you need to provide file extension).

Upload static resources

This tutorial uses three files: a jquery (jquery.js) file and a bootstrap.css + bootstrap.js contained inside a zip file (

Please follow the steps to upload both static resources.

  1. Download both of them.
  2. Setup > Develop > Static Resources
  3. Upload jquery.js file with name jquery
  4. Upload with the resource name aotp_bootstrap
Dependency Manamegement

Note: In our example, bootstrap.js is actually dependent on jQuery. Thankfully load.cmp handles even dependencies in addition to loading either CSS or JS files.

Load load.cmp

Load load.cmp own files manually

  1. Go to
  2. Create load.cmp, loadController.js and staticResourcesLoaded.evt files in your org
  3. Copy-paste contents from each of those files.
  4. Change namespace from jam to your org’s namespace in all those files.
Manual loading

Unfortunately, at the time of writing this tutorial there is no tool to automatically upload components.