Expense Tracker App - Save Expense To SFDC

When you enter text into the form and press Submit, you want to create a new expense record and save it in the model. This
action is wired up to the button component via the press attribute.

Create ExpenseController.apxc

First, create an Apex controller that saves or updates the records and then add the logic to update the counters dynamically.

  1. Click File > New > Apex Class.
  2. Enter ExpenseController in the New Class window. This creates a new Apex class, ExpenseController.apxc.
  3. In ExpenseController.apxc, enter this code.
    Replace namespace with the name of your registered namespace.
public class ExpenseController {
public static Expense saveExpense(String id, String expname, Decimal amount, String
client, DateTime expdate, Boolean reimbursed) {
namespace__Expense__c expenseSobject = new namespace__Expense__c(id=id);
expenseSobject.Name = expname;
expenseSobject.namespace__Amount__c = amount;
expenseSobject.namespace__Client__c = client;
expenseSobject.namespace__Date__c = expdate;
expenseSobject.namespace__Reimbursed__c = reimbursed;
return new Expense(expenseSobject);
/*Create new or update the Expense record*/
private static void insertOrUpdate(namespace__Expense__c expenseSobject) {
if (expenseSobject.id != null) {
else {

The custom controller enables you to insert or update an expense record.

Update form.cmp

In form.cmp, add the controller attribute to the aura:component tag.
Replace namespace with the name of your registered namespace.
<aura:component model="namespace.ExpenseModel" controller="namespace.ExpenseController">

Create newExpense JS Controller

Create the controller-side actions to create a new expense record when the Submit button is pressed. In formController.js, add this code after the doInit action.

newExpense: function(component, event, helper) {
var expname1 = component.find("expname").get("v.value");
var amount1 = component.find("amount").get("v.value");
var client1 = component.find("client").get("v.value");
var expdate1 = component.find("expdate").get("v.value");
var reimbursed1 = component.find("reimbursed").get("v.value");
//Validation for Amount field
var amtSimpleVal = component.find("amount").getValue("v.value");
var amtVal = amtSimpleVal.getValue("v.value");
if (isNaN(amtVal)) {
message: "Enter an amount in the format 0 or 0.00."
} else {
if (!amtSimpleVal.isValid()) {
helper.createExpense(component, {
expname: expname1,
amount: amount1,
client: client1,
expdate: expdate1,
reimbursed: reimbursed1

Note: Add a coma “,” after doInit if it’s missing.

Code Highlights

  1. newExpense validates the amount field using the default error handling, which appends the error message to the field.
  2. Notice that you’re passing in the arguments to a helper function createExpense, which then triggers the Apex class saveExpense.
  3. A helper function is a resource for storing code that you want to reuse in your component bundle.

Create createExpense Helper

Create the helper function to handle the record creation and dynamically update the counters.

  1. Click HELPER to create a new resource, formHelper.js
  2. Enter this code.
createExpense: function(component, expense) {
var expenses = component.getValue("m.expenses");
var action = component.get("c.saveExpense");
action.setCallback(this, function(a) {
var allExpenses = component.getAttributes().getRawValue("allExpenses");
updateTotal : function(component) {
var expenses = component.getValue("m.expenses");
var total = 0;
var exp = 0;
expenses.each(function(e, i) {
total += e.unwrap().amount;
exp = expenses.getLength();
component.setValue("v.total", total);
component.setValue("v.exp", exp);

Code Highlights

  1. component.get("c.saveExpense");
    createExpense defines an instance of the saveExpense server-side action and sets the expense object as a parameter.
  2. action.setCallback(this, function(a) {
    The callback is executed after the server-side action returns, which updates the model, view, and counters.

  3. $A.enqueueAction(action)
    Adds the server-side action to the queue of actions to be executed.

In updateTotal, you are retrieving the actual data in the value object, e, using e.unwrap().amount.

Update doInit Controller

In formController.js, update the doInit function to update the counters on initialization.

doInit: function(component, event, helper) {
var expenses = component.getValue("m.expenses");
var allExpenses = component.getAttributes().getRawValue("allExpenses");
helper.updateTotal(component); // <--- Add this line

Test The App

  1. Save your changes and reload your browser.
  2. Test your form by entering Breakfast, 10, ABC Co., Breakfast, Apr 30, 2014 9:00:00 AM.
  3. Click the Submit button. Notice that the record is added to both your view and model, and the counters are updated.