Expense Tracker App - Load the Expense Data

Load the Expense Data

Models load initial data and are created in an Apex class.

Expense Class

Create an Expense object and define a list variable. This list is loaded in your app using a getter method.

  1. Click File > New > Apex Class.
  2. Enter Expense in the New Class window. This creates a new Apex class, Expense.apxc.
  3. Enter this code to create an Expense object.
    Replace namespace with the name of your registered namespace.
public class Expense {
public ID id {get; set;}
public String expname {get;set;}
public Decimal amount {get;set;}
public String client {get;set;}
public DateTime expdate {get;set;}
public Boolean reimbursed {get;set;}
public Expense(namespace__Expense__c expenseSobject) {
this.id = expenseSobject.id;
this.expname = expenseSobject.Name;
this.amount = expenseSobject.namespace__Amount__c;
this.client = expenseSobject.namespace__Client__c;
this.expdate = expenseSobject.namespace__Date__c;
this.reimbursed = expenseSobject.namespace__Reimbursed__c;

The Expense object contains variables that correspond to the custom fields you created. get and set are Apex properties that make the variables readable and writeable. @AuraEnabled exposes those properties to your Aura app.

ExpenseModel Class

  1. Create the expense model. Click File > New > Apex Class and enter ExpenseModel in the New Class window. This creates a new Apex class, ExpenseModel.apxc.
  2. Enter this code.
public class ExpenseModel {
private List<Expense> expenses;
public ExpenseModel() {
private void loadExpenses() {
String soql = 'select id, name, namespace__Amount__c, namespace__Client__c,' +
'namespace__Date__c, namespace__Reimbursed__c,' +
'CreatedDate FROM namespace__Expense__c ' +
'ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC';
List<namespace__Expense__c> expenseSobjects = Database.query(soql);
expenses = new List<Expense>();
for (namespace__Expense__c expenseSobject : expenseSobjects) {
expenses.add(new Expense(expenseSobject));
public List<Expense> getExpenses() {
return expenses;

The loadExpenses() method runs a SOQL query to return all expense records. The for loop stores your expense records in a expenseSobjects variable. getExpenses() returns the list of records to the component using the m.expenses syntax.

Update form.cmp

Go back to form.cmp component. Then update the aura:component tag to include the model attribute after the <component> tag (i.e. 2nd line). <aura:component model="namespace.ExpenseModel">

Test The App

Save your changes and reload your browser. You should see the expense records. The counters aren’t working at this point as you’ll be adding the programmatic logic later.


In this step, you created a model to load initial expense data. The model contains a SOQL query. getExpenses() returns the list of expense records. By default, Aura doesn’t call any getters. To access a method, annotate the method with @AuraEnabled, which exposes only the data in that method. Models are instantiated when the component is first requested.