Expense Tracker App - Expense Object

Expense Object

Create an expense object to store your expense records and data for the app.

  1. From Setup, click Create > Objects.
  2. Click New Custom Object.
  3. Fill in the custom object definition.
    • For the Label, enter Expense.
    • For the Plural Label, enter Expenses
  4. Click Save to finish creating your new object. The Expense detail page is displayed.
    • Check that the API Name for your object is namespace__Expense__c, where namespace corresponds to your registered namespace prefix.
  5. On the Expense detail page, add the following custom fields.
Field Type Field Label
Number(16,2) Amount
Text(20) Client
Date/Time Date
Checkbox Reimbursed?

When you finish creating the custom object, your Expense definition detail page should look similar to this.

Note "jam" in the screenshot is just a namespace prefix. Your's will be different.

Custom Tab

Create a custom object tab to display your expense records.

  1. From Setup, click Create > Tabs.
  2. In the Custom Object Tabs related list, click New to launch the New Custom Tab wizard.
    • For the Object, select Expense.
    • For the Tab Style, click the lookup icon and select the Credit Card icon.
  3. Accept the remaining defaults and click Next.
  4. Click Next and Save to finish creating the tab.
    • You should now see a tab for your Expenses at the top of the screen.
  5. Create a few expense records.
    • Click the Expenses tab and click New.
    • Enter the values for these fields and repeat for the second record.
Expense Name Amount Client Date Reimbursed?
Lunch 20 4/1/2014 12:00 PM Unchecked
Text(20) Client ABC Co. 4/1/2014 12:00 PM Checked