Expense Tracker App - Make It Interactive

Events add an interactive layer to your app by enabling you to share data between components. When the checkbox is checked or unchecked in the expense list view, you want to fire an event that updates both the view and model based on the relevant
Start by creating the event and its handler before firing it and handling the event in the parent component.

Create Event

Create updateExpenseItem.evt

  1. Click File > New > Aura Event.
  2. Enter updateExpenseItem in the New Event window. This creates a new event, updateExpenseItem.evt.
  3. In updateExpenseItem.evt, enter this code.
<aura:event type="APPLICATION">
<aura:attribute name="expense" type="Expense__c" />

Code Highlights

  1. The attribute expense or type Expense__c you’re defining in the event is passed from the firing component to the handlers.
  2. Aura provides component events and application events. An application event is used here, which when fired notifies its handlers. In this case, form.cmp is notified and handles the event.

Send The Event

Make expenseList.cmp send the event. Recall that expenseList.cmp contains the checkbox that’s wired up to a client-side controller action, denoted by change=”{!c.update}”. You’ll set up the update action next.

Add “update” JS Action

  1. In the expenseList sidebar, click CONTROLLER. This creates a new resource, expenseListController.js.
  2. Enter this code.
    Replace namespace with the name of your registered namespace
update: function(component, evt, helper) {
var target = evt.getSource ? evt.getSource().getElement() : evt.target;
var expense = component.get("v.expense");
expense.reimbursed = target.checked;
var updateEvent = $A.get("e.namespace:updateExpenseItem");

Code Highlights

  1. When the checkbox is checked or unchecked, the update action runs, setting the expense.reimbursed parameter value to true or false, based on target.checked.

  2. var updateEvent = $A.get("e.namespace:updateExpenseItem");
    The updateExpenseItem.evt event is fired after the expense.reimbursed parameter
    values are set on the object.

Receive The Event

Update form.cmp to listen to the event.

Add Handler

In form.cmp, add this handler code before the<aura:attribute> tags:
<aura:handler event="namespace:updateExpenseItem" action="{!c.updateEvent}" />

This event handler runs the updateEvent action when the application event you created is fired.

Add Controller

Wire up the updateEvent action to handle the fired event. Click on the CONTROLLER, to open formController.js, enter this code.

updateEvent : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.updateExpense(component, event.getParams());

This action calls a helper function and passes in event.getParams(), which contains the expense object with its parameters and values: {amount: 10, expname: "Breakfast", id: "a03D0000003eRgtIAE”, reimbursed: false}.

Create Helper

Create the updateExpense helper function in formHelper.js with this code.

updateExpense: function(component, expense) {
var expenses = component.getValue("m.expenses");
expenses.each(function(e, i) {
if (e.getValue("id").getValue() === expense.id) {
var action = component.get("c.saveExpense");

Note: e.getValue("id") returns the value object, which is a thin wrapper around the actual data. e.getValue("id").getValue() returns the actual data in the value object.

Load on init

We need to make sure expenses are updated when the form.cmp controller is loaded and not just when the event is triggered.

Go back to form.cmp‘s JS controller formController.js and add helper.updateExpense(component); to doInit function.

doInit: function(component, event, helper) {
var expenses = component.getValue("m.expenses");
var allExpenses = component.getAttributes().getRawValue("allExpenses");
helper.updateExpense(component); // <-- Add this line

Test The App

The Aura app you just created is currently accessible as a standalone app by accessing