7. Workflow Summary

There is a lot going on and we haven't even touched creating Native-iOS component yet. Let's a take a step back and review everything.

Developer Environment

By this point, you'll have the following apps open: 1. Xcode 2. iOS Simulator 3. JavaScript project in an Editor 4. Terminal running React Native CLI (aka "Packager")

1. Workflow: Adding A New React JS Component

  1. Create the component
  2. Import it to index.io.js
  3. Switch to the Simulator and press Command+R to reload

If you are creating it in src folder for the first time, you'll have to stop the React Native CLI and restart it.

2. Workflow: Adding A New Connected App

  1. Create a new Connected App in Salesforce
  2. Update Consumer Key and Callback URL in XCode's AppDelegate.m
  3. Restart everything (including resetting Simulator)

3. Workflow: Adding A New node.js Module

Although you didn't node.js module to the app, if you do, here is the workflow:

  1. Install the node.js module with --save-dev flag from the project folder like so: npm install sompackage --save-dev
  2. Stop React Native CLI by doing Control+C in the Terminal.
  3. Start React Native CLI by running npm start in the Terminal.

  1. Setting Up Developer Environment
  2. Creating forceios App
  3. Running forceios App
  4. Adding Connected App
  5. Updating JavaScript
  6. Adding New React Native Component
  7. Workflow Summary
  8. Next Steps
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