6. Adding A New Custom Component

In this unit, you'll learn how to create a new React Component and add it to our app. Specifically, you'll create a simple component called total-count.js that shows how many items are being shown in the list.

Step 1: Create A New JS file

You'll create a new folder called src inside ReactNativeSample/js and then create new JS file for each custom component you want to use.

  1. In the Terminal, CD into ReactNativeSample/js.
  2. Run mkdir src to create a source folder.
  3. Run touch total-count.js to create our component.
  4. Open ReactNativeSample/js folder in your favorite JavaScript editor.
  5. Open index.ios.js.

Step 2: Create TotalCount Component

  1. Open ReactNativeSample/js/total-count.js in an editor and add the following code

        var React = require('react-native');
        var Text = require('Text');
        var View = require('View');
        var StyleSheet = React.StyleSheet;
        var TotalCount = React.createClass( {
            render: function(){
                return <View style={styles.total}>
                    <Text style={styles.text}>
                        Total: {this.props.count}
        var styles = StyleSheet.create({
            total: {
                flex: 1,
                alignItems: 'center',
                flexDirection: 'column'
            text:  {
                fontSize: 20,
                color: '#2b40fe'
        module.exports = TotalCount;
  2. Save the file.

    This component simply receives a number and returns a React Native component with text "Total: {number}".

Step 3: Use TotalCount Component

  1. Open index.ios.js

Note: You can get the final code for index.ios.js from here: index.ios.js

  1. Import the total-count.js component near the top of the file:
    var TotalCount = require('./src/total-count.js')
  1. Update getInitialState function to keep track of count
     getInitialState: function() {
      var ds = new ListView.DataSource({rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2});
      return {
          dataSource: ds.cloneWithRows([]),
          count: 0 // <----------------- Add This
  1. Update the componentDidMount method inside UserList component to count the number of items and set it to the component state.

        componentDidMount: function() {
            var that = this;
            var soql = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 10';
                              function(response) {
                                  var users = response.records;
                                  var data = [];
                                  var count = 0; // <----------------- Add This
                                  for (var i in users) {
                                      count++; // <----------------- Add This
                                      dataSource: that.getDataSource(data),
                                      count: count // <----------------- Add This
  2. Update the render method inside UserList component to render TotalComponent.

    render: function() {
        return (
          <View> // <----------------- Add This
              renderRow={this.renderRow} />
              <TotalCount count={this.state.count}/> // <----------------- Add This
          </View> // <----------------- Add This


Note: You can get the final code for index.ios.js from here: index.ios.js

  1. Switch to Simulator
  2. Type Command+R to reload (Click on the simulator to make it active if it doesn't reload).
  3. You should see the new component reflected.

  1. Setting Up Developer Environment
  2. Creating forceios App
  3. Running forceios App
  4. Adding Connected App
  5. Updating JavaScript
  6. Adding New React Native Component
  7. Workflow Summary
  8. Next Steps
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