5. Updating JavaScript

In this unit, you'll learn how to change the sample app's JavaScript.

Step 1: Open The JavaScript Project

The JavaScript part of the app is located in ReactNativeSample/js folder. The starting JS file that React Native uses to build the app is called: index.ios.js(ReactNativeSample/js/index.ios.js).

  1. Open ReactNativeSample/js folder in your favorite JavaScript editor.
  2. Open index.ios.js.

Step 2: Change SOQL Query And Refresh App

  1. Near line 65, change the SOQL query to fetch a list of Opportunity objects instead of User objects. var soql = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunity LIMIT 10';
  2. Switch to the Simulator (not Xcode)
  3. Click anywhere on the Simulator to ensure it is active.
  4. Type Command+R to reload.
  5. You should see a list of Opportunities like below:

Seeing changes reflected instantly in a Native app similar to a webapp is one of the biggest benefits of React Native.

  1. Setting Up Developer Environment
  2. Creating forceios App
  3. Running forceios App
  4. Adding Connected App
  5. Updating JavaScript
  6. Adding New React Native Component
  7. Workflow Summary
  8. Next Steps
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